Monday, April 19, 2010

Bumpy Ass rd.

it seems that this whole deal has taken the hardest way possible of getting better. every news we have gotten lately has been infavourable, but they have treatment plans for just about everything. i mean, it could be worse, but it could also be a lot easier. life isnt always easy. things gets rough you get tough. anywho, im saying all of this because we just found out that my sister is not a match. i wasnt banking on it, on account of it was only a 25% chance. but it sure wouldve been nice. i will just have to keep comin in for chemo every month until we find a match. outpatient chemo though, no more over night stays until the transplant, which will probably be a 35-40 day stay. right now ive been here for 24 days, and if things go according to plan i will be out in 8. hopefully next tuesday. it just sucks waiting to know if the leukemia has grown, but ive got to hope for the best.

Side effects have gotten better, sort of. the fluid only diet has given my guts time to heal, so thats better. but the past for days i have had a fever of 103 on and off, keeping me pretty bed-ridden and exhausted. they hooked me up with all sorts of antibiotics to help stop the fever, and finally the fever has stopped, but im showing some sort of allergic reaction to who knows which medicine. my back is completely dark red with spots and it has spread to my chest, stomach, and legs. milllions of red dots. its somewhat itchy, and sensitive to hot water in the shower, but you can bet theyve got a medicine to fix the itch, among other things. Ive been getting a shot in my stomach every day the past 5 days, and probably some 4 or so days more, called Neupogen. its supposed to raise why white blood count and other things. which means i wont be feelin so crappy either, as the higher blood count will help heal all these ugly side effects.

Not much else for now, resting trying to get better. more soon.

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